This was a Colonsay day, we go there three times a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This is only during the winter when there are fewer vessels in service, in the summer this vessel is solely on the Oban to Craignure run. Heading off South to Colonsay brings an enjoyable change in the routine, rather than the 40 minutes run to Mull it is a 5 hour round trip to Colonsay. Down the Sound of Kerrera on past Seil Island with my favourite anchorage at Puldorian, through the gap at Insh Island and spotting the hermit's abandoned home on the East Coast we head down to the Great Race. This is the tidal race that results from the daily flow of water through the gap where the famous Corryvreckan Whirlpool lies at the North end of Jura sucking in all around. Once clear we start to pitch moderately, the stabilisers stop the rolling very effectively but have no effect on the pitching, our 9 passengers and 4 vehicles are however safely tied down and are a hardy bunch.
On arrival at Colonsay with the wind gusting up to 25 knots in the shelter of the harbour we need to approach from the south and hug the coast heading for the roundhead at the end of the pier. Getting a line ashore we cant round the end with the stern swinging close in to the shore so that we can lie alongside. Despite being in the shelter there is still a swell coming in and the ship is surging up and down the pier, everyone is left on standby fore and aft while the ramp is lowered down and the vehicles disembark. As soon as the last of these are off the pier master gets on his bike and sends the waiting cars and truck down to load. In all we are in for about 5 minutes, fortunately not much longer as it can't be called a safe haven, memories of Waverley, Clacton, Margate and Dunoon in a fresh southerly breeze.
The weather as forecast has deteriorated blowing up to an gale force 8 now but the difference is that it is behind us so we are wafted along back up to Oban and a safe berth alongside for the night. Back to the normal tomorrow, 6:15 start as we need to shift berth before loading.
This evening I went for a walk along the prom, tropical rain tonight without the temperature. Not many others out and about strangely.