Friday, December 20, 2013
Saturday, December 14, 2013
New ships and the same old enemy
Not taken today! |
Thursday, December 05, 2013
First full day, didn't go anywhere
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Going nowhere
Wednesday, November 06, 2013
Change afoot.
I'm on my last trip on the Isle of Mull this fortnight, off South to the Clyde to join the Caledonian Isles for the next year or so from December the 4th. Really looking forward to the change and on one of the busiest runs in the Company.
Tuesday, October 08, 2013
Weekend Activities
Thursday, October 03, 2013
Home to grandsons and blocked drains
Sunday, September 29, 2013
All things must come to pass
and 20 C in the shade. We had a wonderful two weeks in Sardinia and
would recommend it. I will organise my photos and put a link on line
in due course. Look forward to meeting up with everyone again and
boring them with my stories.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Half way point
Grotta di Nettuno a local cave complex about 10 miles to the west of
the town. We opted for the full day tour and headed off on a wooden
launch along the coast to view the beaches and cliffs close up. The
last couple of days there has been a strong west wind which has died
away but unfortunately there was still a high swell running when we
got to the point and entering the caves would have been too dangerous.
Cal Mac style the skipper took us out there for a chance to see how
big the seas and swell were before turning back to anchor in a
sheltered bay for a few hours. While the cook knocked us up a mussels
and pasta dish we all went snorkelling in what turned out to be
jellyfish infested waters, luckily enough they seemed to prefer one of
our party a young man from the UK and left us alone. There was as
much of local vino to drink as we wished, and water, but being British
we opted for the alcohol and the evening was spent recovering.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Healthy eating
Friday, September 20, 2013
Dull weather
Monday, September 16, 2013
It's all right for some.
Waking to the sun shining through the open doors onto the balcony and looking out onto a blue sky and a warm breeze does have its charms. We are now here in Alghero in the North West corner of Sardinia for our two weeks of sunshine and pasta.
We flew in on a busy Easyjet flight to Olbia on the other side of the island and then after a fraught hour or so waiting for the ladies to carry out their bureaucratic manoeuvres on my credit card, licence and passport we headed off west in our Fiat Panda. I think I have declined to take out the many extra insurances, along with pet and breakdown cover but who knows, it was all in Italian? I did however have to sign a form 7 times to show my willing resistance to her offers, and we complain about paperwork in the UK.
Italian driving has a reputation but once you get the hang of the minimum speed required on the roads then you'll be fine. Generally the other drivers help by getting close enough to signal with hand and eye gestures that 30 km/h over the speed indicated on the roadside signs is not sufficient for safe passage. The locals are quite loyal as Fiat and Alpha Romeo are the cars of choice everywhere, little evidence of German engineering and not a sign of a Skoda.
Our flat is a little out of the town centre about 10 minutes walk from the old port buildings and the main thoroughfares. On our first night we just went round the corner to a neighbourhood bar (café) and sat outside having a beer with chicken, chips and mozzarella balls watching the local ladies fuss and bother about their little dogs in between cigarette breaks. They do keep thin here, I can only imagine that the meals we see the girls eating on an evening is the single food for that day.
I couldn't finish without mentioning that it is too warm to be out during the afternoon, fortunately we can have a little snooze in the shade of the flat before it cools again later in the day. Thank goodness.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Thursday, September 05, 2013
Calm day on Mull
pleasant. Approaching Craignure I thought there was oil on the water
but then noticed it was actually a rainbow reflected on the surface.
Apologies for the windscreen wiper to the left of photo.
Monday, September 02, 2013
A quiet time
excuse possible, other than idleness which is not an excuse but a
failing on my part. When I was home on leave we kept busy with a
visit to Edinburgh and a four day trip on the boat with my cousin
Judith, three visits to Helensburgh to visit my Mum, a day on
administration and it's time to re-join the ship.
Today we had an exotic visitor outside the Bay with its wavy hair, eye
and red lips logo on the bow, the Aidacara was visiting Scotland.
Pity that we didn't have the good weather being enjoyed elsewhere in
the country, but as they say it keeps the dust down. Should Calmac
adopt this kind of ship side painting? What would be an appropriate
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Tuesday, August 06, 2013
Our glamorous assistant.
and forward to Mull. We have two newcomers here on deck, the Mate
Simon and Mariana the third mate. Seems to be a shortage of regular
people this fortnight, as we have 5 agency people on board and a few
like myself being temporarily promoted. We all seem to be getting on
though and the ship is running well IMHO.
Monday, July 22, 2013
A rare combination
Scotland, and it doesn't get much warmer than it was over the weekend.
Generally with a high pressure area plonked over the UK it also means
little wind but this was the exception on Saturday and Sunday.
I got together a scratch crew of Julie, Lynne and Sheena and we
undertook an epic voyage to Millport from Largs, some 3 miles, and
anchored off the pier in the sure knowledge of a timetable that no
paddle steamers would be interrupting our evening. When we took the
photographs there wasn't a breath which is the norm on an evening but
then a brisk Easterly picked up and stayed with us all weekend,
tremendous sailing weather and being on the water it was just a
comfortable temperature on board. Ah if only it could be like this
every summer.
Thanks to Lynne for being photographer and for her sommelier duties
pouring the wine.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Just as I was leaving the ship one of my shipmates gave me a fresh lobster to take home for tea. I was a bit circumspect that the crustacean would survive the three hour bus trip back in my suitcase to Glasgow, but it did. 10 minutes marinating in boiling water changed Eric from spotty black to red. Very tasty with a little bit of garlic butter.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
The week progresses
At the start of my fortnight we had glorious weather but then on the Monday morning we woke to fog across the Bay, as the week progressed it took longer and longer each day to burn away so we were manoeuvring at slow speed when we were in it. On Friday this resulted in us running two hours late but we did do all of our trips, the lifeline
service continues.
This is a picture of the radar and each of these yellow dots is the return from a target, most likely a yacht or fishing boat moving about the Sound of Mull just near Craignure. A busy bit of water and
probably quite scary for the yacht skippers caught out in the fog as they will not necessarily have the radar we do to detect other vessels, but they will be able to hear our fog signal and know we are
out there somewhere.
By the way, I find it strange how some of my colleagues dislike all yachtsmen, considering them to be an impediment to the stately progress of the ferry, conveniently forgetting that CalMac doesn't own Oban Bay and the £121 million subsidy we received last year was paid no doubt in part by these bloody Wafis's taxes. Ho hum.
Monday, July 08, 2013
Unusual visitor
back and forward to the landing stage in the bay.
This is the Oban Distillery with our local Tower in the background.
Friday, July 05, 2013
Round Mull Race
racing others were pottering and on occassions sitting with their eyes
closed. The sun tried to break through but never really managed it,
unlike the rest of you. Well done to Andy Murray and a very worthy
talented opponent in today's semi's.
Not so warm here
Looks like a heat wave for most of the UK except for our bit here out west, still it's quite pleasant. I went for a walk along the Oban prom last night and didn't need a hat! Sailing as 3rd Mate this time, off to meet up again with my old fire extinguisher chums today.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Fife Regatta
On Saturday there wasn't enough wind for their race around Great Cumbrae, today there was more than enough, indeed we chickened out half way over to Bute and made a run back to Largs and the safety of the marina. Here's a link to the Official Site
It was quite a sight to see these fabulous craft under full, maybe too much but they were racing, sail heading off up the river.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Too much food
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Yachting day
Monday, June 10, 2013
Weekend sailing
Tuesday, June 04, 2013
Relative good news
For those who know her my mum went into hospital yesterday to have her third, yes third, hip replacement. This evening post op the news is all good.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
View from the office window.
particulary given that it is the Whitsun holiday and we are regularly
carrying over 600 passengers per trip. Good weather and holidays in
my experience seldom seem to coincide but we seem to have cracked it
this time.
A view from my cabin window when in Oban, showing the Calmac Terminal.
The interior of the ship is now reaching sub tropical temperatures
but as 2nd Officer this trip I am treated to the luxury of an opening
port (window) and with the judicious placing of a fan it keeps my
cabin to a temperate temperature. Junior officers, e.g. 3rd Mates, of
course do not need an opening port and it is clearly not warm enough
in the Chief Engineers cabin to justify the air conditioning being put
on yet.
And yet another sunset, but even this photo doesn't really do justice
to last night's natural show looking out west over Mull.