Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Onwards ever more to the North and West

Monday 5th.We had a very pleasant evening in the Carinbaan Hotel spent in the company of two other yacht crews.  So many salty tales, never let the facts stand in the way of a good story etc.  Met up with Scott Raeburn and family, a previous customer at Bowling Harbour, he owns a classic wooden yacht Melora designed by Alfred Milne

Morning broke with tropical rain showers, at least the canal people are happy that their reservoirs are full again.  We set off on our own which involved a bit of extra work for the deck crew.  Run up, open lock gates, take boat mooring lines, close aft gates, close sluice. open forward sluice gently, let boat rise/sink and then open gates, close sluices, let boat mooring lines go, close gates run to next lock, repeat.  I don't know what she's worried about, all the fresh air and stunning views, when the clouds lift that is.  It's hard work on the boat too, with all the navigation to think about.

Onto a nice wee berth on the final reach before Crinan Basin, sun shining and wind still howling so lots to look at as other yachts make a run in here from the latest gale warning. Ah July in Scotland don't you love it? 

No Wi-Fi or Vodafone signal in Crinan,  hence a day late in my update. 


  1. I thought I have to that boat, melora a couple of times. But it's too long ago in 1991-92. How's the boat doing? How's mr raeburn?

  2. I thought I have to that boat, melora a couple of times. But it's too long ago in 1991-92. How's the boat doing? How's mr raeburn?
