Friday, August 06, 2010


Bumpy night but the anchor held and we woke to overcast skies and rain
with intermittent drizzle. The departure from hells spawn bay proved
to be less exciting than the arrival, skipper didn't actually take a
breath until the sounder was showing more than 3 metres though.
A motor down Loch Shuna and then a sharp turn to starboard and we set
sail with wind and tide to traverse the Sound of Luing. 2 to 4 knots
of tide all the way till we were out in the open water and then a
downwind sail with a steady drizzle, now with intermittent rain. All
the way till we pulled into Loch Aline when the rain had ceased and we
were able to have a Pimms on deck.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:49 am

    Sounds like you may only return there by rubber dinghy!

    Loch Ailine is a strange place for winds, but I hope the rain and midge count are passable.

    Classic lifeboat/pilot cutter racing yesterday , took 200 photos!/photo.php?pid=4779352&o=all&op=1&view=all&subj=30709736764&aid=-1&id=675660681

    Today I am out on the helm of 12.5m "krysser" C240. 22'c, humid, light winds.

    ALl the best

    Lil' bror
