There was a certain amount of dissent amongst some of the party as we slipped and slid our way up the hill but once we had caught David back up again at the top, the views made it worthwhile for all the effort. On our way backdown the heavens opened up and we arrived at the car soaked through from the waist down, the Goretex keeping the upper half dry and sweat free.
Overtoun House is owned and run by a Christian Group, mainly from America, and they are in the process of turning it into a refuge for women and children. They have also opened up one of the downstairs rooms as a tea room which we headed for to dry, or drip off.
The house is now somewhat in the twilight of its years having laid empty for 15 years but the group have plans and it will be great if they can seem them through.
The main room at the front is quite spectacular, and the Glenn Miller music playing in the background made it all seem a little surreal, as we were the only customers I felt like we had stepped into a Stephen Poliakoff play. The tea was lovely as was the cream scone and we came away much fortified after our soaking.
There are many more photos at the House web site
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