Monday, December 13, 2010

I do have a part time job for the next few days, not that it pays much.  This morning on her way to the bus stop Julie came a cropper on the pavement and has broken her wrist. As anyone who lives locally will know there is lots of ice around and when we turned up at the local A and E we were one, among many others, holding onto painful wrists, arms and ankles.
Home now and herself has a plastered arm in a sling and feeling pretty sorry for herself as it is quite painful.
So the new part time job is as a nurse/taxi driver looking after herself indoors.  With her right hand out of action she won't be able to drive or write for a while, so I'm going to be that new right hand till after Christmas at least.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Despite trying hard I have not been to sea since my last post in October on the Waverley.  Master Mariner available for hire should anyone be reading this.
Along with the rest of Scotland we have just been through our first real taste of winter for this season, not for this year though as it was pretty damn cold in March and April as I recall.
I took some photos around our part of town