Saturday, August 18, 2012

Getting to grips

My cousin Judith, from the far flung fields of Lincolnshire, dropped by and we took her out for a wee cruise.  Usual weather requiring a double reefed main and a handkerchief of genoa.  Once underway Judith was on the helm.

And you say that the boat could capsize and we would all drown if I get this wrong?

Actually it's not all that difficult.

Steady as she goes, aye aye.

Quite fun this, what was all the fuss about?

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!! I hope the first one has been photo shopped! I would also like to claim a v bad hair day for anyone that doesn't know me!!! I remember more sunshine ...... Maybe that was after my cousin plying me with g n t!!
