Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Fresh Blood

A night spent at anchor on my own, strange noises overnight which were
never tracked down. Up anchor and head north to Oban to pick up the
new volunteer crew, Lynne & John as pictured.
Tesco for shopping and a walk to the boat in the rain which
conveniently stopped just after we had arrived back on board.
The Hebridian Princess is in port over on the North side Pier, her
Majesty is on board I believe.
We set off through the North entrance and did a brisk upwind passage
down the west coast of Kerrera to anchor again at the favourite spot
here at the North end of Seil. Weather stayed dry and some crew say
wonderful with slate grey dreaminess.
Up at the crack tomorrow to catch a favourable tide to head south, if
the forecast is correct and we have a NW following breeze that is.


  1. Anonymous9:24 pm

    South? Gigha far south or not so far? Good anchoring at Crinan bay in a NW. Still doing a good pub lunch.

    PS shorts are great. More photos attached on e.mail

    All the best

    Lill bro

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous9:26 pm

    ( PS. I could get into this virtual cruising .......more photos of Pholldorain and so on please!

    ....Ah armchair cruising....despite being a racing man with 6 starts in the classics under the belt this summer)

    Lil bro.
